Family Visit Model Across the USA

Our goal at Kidsave is to create opportunities for older kids in foster care to be seen, find family, and thrive. We have found that our innovative Family Visit Model is an excellent way to do that. Our Family Visit Model is carried out through our Weekend Miracles program in Los Angeles and Houston, and in additional areas through the following affiliates: 

North Carolina

Congregations for Kids Network (CFK)–in collaboration with the Charlotte Mission Network and Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services–facilitates the North Carolina Weekend Miracles program. This program gives older kids in foster care the opportunity to connect with mentors who will walk alongside and support them as they navigate the challenges and transitions of entering adulthood. 

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Washington, DC

The D.C. Family and Youth Initiative (DCFYI) supports teenagers in foster care, connecting them with caring adults in their communities who will act as mentors, support systems, and even adoptive families. The goal of DCFYI is to ensure that teens have at least one caring adult in their life who they can rely on for advice, guidance, affection, and a sense of belonging. 

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