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Kidsave’s Weekend Miracles Host Training is a four-part series, January 10, 12, 17 and 19 – totaling 12 hours.

All four segments must be completed to fulfill host training requirements. Each segment is three hours.

In order to participate, families must have completed the following prior to sign up:

Host Training takes place via an online webinar and is facilitated by Ashlee Evans, who will provide you with insight on trauma youth have endured and the tools necessary to help them succeed.


Join Zoom Meeting https://kidsave-org.zoom.us/j/89014944963?pwd=dlRHWDROYlcvbCsxdkxsS1hkM

Meeting ID: 890 1494 4963
Passcode: 830136

Find your local number: https://kidsave-org.zoom.us/u/kDk2lCPEE

Please note:

You must be available for all four training dates.
To participate you must be on a system that has both audio and video capabilities.
All four segments must be completed to fulfill host training requirements.