Kidsave Financials

We acknowledge that we are dependent upon the public sector for funding, therefore we are very careful to spend our funds sensibly and act with full transparency. If you need further information please visit our values statement page or contact Randi Thompson at

84% of all funds expended by Kidsave go to program,
10% to management and finance and 6% to fundraising.

Charity NavigatorCharity Navigator is America’s premier independent charity evaluator. Charity Navigator awarded Kidsave four out of a possible four stars. Receiving this recognition indicates that Kidsave adheres to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way. Please click on the logo to review our rating in a new window.

Kidsave is listed in the nonprofit information database hosted by GuideStar. To view our report, visit the GuideStar website and search for Kidsave using EIN: 91–1887623. Registration is required.


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