Nerelyn and Angel – Ages 15 and 12

Nerelyn and Angel are only looking for a Host Family.

Nerelyn, age 15, is of Hispanic descent. Nerelyn is a sweet and friendly young girl. She is very caring and loving. Nerelyn enjoys spending time with her younger brother. She likes making art through watercolor paintings. She is a social child with lots of friends in school. Nerelyn is doing well in school and enjoys extra-curricular activities such as playing softball and soccer. Nerelyn enjoys food; some of her favorites are Enchiladas and Pupusas. Her goals are to learn how to swim and attend an Ariana Grande music concert. Nerelyn is a healthy youth.

Angel, age 12, is of Hispanic descent. This young man is an energetic and fun-loving young boy. He is rambunctious and constantly on the go. He is currently doing well in school. He is a healthy eater; his favorite food is chicken nuggets. On his days off from school, Angel enjoys playing video games and soccer. He is described as charismatic and a social butterfly. Angel is artistic and loves to participate in school activities. For example, he painted his hair purple and pink for “Wacky Hair-Day” at school.

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